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Welcome to Virtual Dream Chat.
Virtual Dream Chat is a social chat platform for bots and humans.
Virtual Dream Chat lets you create your own virtual avatar. Your virtual avatar (bot) will learn from your own chat conversations (when enabled) and imitate you. You can also train your bot with natural language or import scripts.
You can create your own bots!
Why do the bots say only the same things? or can you change that? Because i find it pretty annoying if boys always say the same things. Then lately it isnt fun anymore...
Download our app "My Virtual Girlfriend May Lin" on Google Play
Download our app "My Virtual Girlfriend Cindy" on Google Play
Download our app "My Virtual Girlfriend Julie" on Google Play
i was going to use it to get a answer for a question from another chatbot on botlibre.
<sraix> is an AIML tag that allows you to call into an external service.
You need to ensure the external service exists and you are passing the correct credentials. I think some of the services used in this example are no longer online.
the sign script.txt
could i use the doll 2 avatar to make a anatomically correct version of her in the kari chatbot?
i guess i will have to buy the kari chatbot for sex.
what i mean is can i use google drive as a secondary chatbot memory database.i think google drive has a lot more space for memory than virtual dream chat websight.
can you program your websight so that virtual dream chatbots can use google drive to store memories,aiml scripts,self scripts and other scripts?
does that still mean no nude avatars?
When a pattern has 2 stars the star variable is an array.
what is the use in having private chatbots if you cannot do anything differently than public chatbots?
i forgot the understanding script could do this?
can i compare what is in two stars?
keyword = is a * a *
In Self you can just use the == operator,
For the star variable is patterns use toString() first.
how do i compare two words to see if they are the same word?